parmgiana di melanze

I belong to a local recipe group.....a bunch of awesome ladies meet once a month + exchange recipes. every month has a different theme + the host picks the theme. last month was italian.....was really nice. this month is my turn to host + I've chosen picnic with easter theme (god knows why I picked it - maybe because I was pregnant at the time and wasn't thinking straight).
anyway below is what I made for the italian theme recipe group. I found this recipe on the theitalianchef website + made a few modification to the original recipe

parmgiana di melanzeyou impressed?...just wanted to be fancy but it is basically baked eggplants with tomatoes + mozzarella

salting eggplants before cooking is the key to success - otherwise you will end up with watery eggplants that fall apart when sliced (mine did but it was still yummy). it is also important to press each layer down firmly when you are assembling the ingredients for baking.

2-1/4lb large eggplants
olive oil for cooking
1 garlic clove finely chopped

1 can whole peeled tomatoes
1 large bottle reguletto pasta sauce
10 oz mozzarella cheese
2-3oz parmesan cheese, grated
6 large fresh basil leaves (torn)
salt + freshly grounded pepper

  1. cut the eggplants into thick slices. sprinkle with salve + leave in a colander for a couple of hours (I tried doing it for overnight as the original recipe suggested but it was too dry). this is to draw out the excess water. rinse + pat dry with paper towels. heat enough olive oil for shallow-frying in a pan over medium-high heat + add the eggplant slices in a single layer. shallow fry on both sides for a couple of minutes or a until it starts to brown slightly. note: make sure the oil is hot otherwise the eggplants will just suck it all in. remove from pan + drain on paper towels.
  2. in the meantime, add the garlic, whole peeled tomatoes + pasta sauce in a pan and simmer. when sauce is hot...add basil leaves + salt + pepper to taste.
  3. preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  4. when sauce is ready, arrange alternate layers of eggplant, tomato sauce, slices of mozzarella + parmesan in a greased baking dish. make sure to press down ingredients well so that you end up with compacted layers. finish off layer of sauce + a sprinkling of parmesan.
  5. bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes.
  6. let it stand for a few minutes to allow it to set before serving. best served hot

Since recipe group, I've made this dish a few times at home serving it with mashed potatoes + steamed coral trout.


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